Synthetic trained spaCy pipelines for Latin NLP
Developed by Patrick J. Burns, 2023.
Details about training, datasets, etc. can be found in the following paper: Burns, P.J. 2023. “LatinCy: Synthetic Trained Pipelines for Latin NLP.”
title = {{LatinCy}: Synthetic Trained Pipelines for Latin {NLP}},
author = {Burns, Patrick J.},
url = {},
shorttitle = {{LatinCy}},
abstract = {This paper introduces {LatinCy}, a set of trained general purpose Latin-language "core" pipelines for use with the {spaCy} natural language processing framework. The models are trained on a large amount of available Latin data, including all five of the Latin Universal Dependency treebanks, which have been preprocessed to be compatible with each other. The result is a set of general models for Latin with good performance on a number of natural language processing tasks (e.g. the top-performing model yields {POS} tagging, 97.41\% accuracy; lemmatization, 94.66\% accuracy; morphological tagging 92.76\% accuracy). The paper describes the model training, including its training data and parameterization, and presents the advantages to Latin-language researchers of having a {spaCy} model available for {NLP} work.},
date = {2023-05-07},
langid = {english},